Learning Swift - Tuples
I sometimes like to focus on aspects of the Swift language that get less publicity, but that I think are really useful without adding a lot of complexity. This time I am looking at tuples.
There are many different ways of collecting data together in Swift, but for small amounts of transitory data, I find tuples to be an extremely convenient data structure.
The End of Pic-a-POD
I think I wrote the first version of Pic-a-POD in 2003 and have been updating and maintaining it ever since, but the time has come to shut it down.
Moving to the Dark Side - Part 2
Now that most of my Mac apps have been updated to support macOS Mojave's dark mode, it was time to turn my attention to this web site.
Moving to the Dark Side
With the release of macOS Mojave on 24th September 2018, I have started updating my Mac apps, mainly to enable support for dark mode if appropriate.
And now I have updated this site too. Click the light bulb icon at the top right of the page to toggle between light and dark modes for this site.
Swift Strings Helper
Hands up everyone who can remember how to work with Swift strings, especially when it comes to substrings and ranges? ....
Me neither. So I decided that I would work it out once and create myself a library to make it easy for myself in the future. And then I thought that other people might like it too. So I have created my first open sourced project.