New Links
As we round out the year, there are several new addresses I'd like people to use to contact me or get my book.
SwiftUI for Mac 2022
In December 2019, I wrote a series of articles about using SwiftUI to build a Mac app. And in July 2020, I re-visited the sample app to apply the new SwiftUI features made available in macOS BigSur. Now that macOS Ventura and Xcode 14 are in beta, it's time to build the app again while learning how to incorporate the new APIs.
Writing Setup
If you read my blog or tweets, you will have detected that I recently wrote a book called macOS by Tutorials, published by raywenderlich.com. in this post, I'm going to show you what hardware and software I used to write it.
WWDC 2022 Wishlist
Apple has announced that their 2022 World Wide Developers Conference will again be an online event from June 7 to 11. The poster shows a very dark Swift logo in a coloured circle. While I have long since given up trying the read the tea leaves of Apple's graphics to work out what they will announce, I always enjoy speculating. But this year, I thought that instead of trying to guess what Apple will have for us, I'd think about what I would like them to announce, with my main focus being the Mac.
macOS Book
I can finally reveal the reason I have not been blogging. I have been busy writing a book. It's finally out, so here it is: macOS by Tutorials, published by kodeco.com (formerly raywenderlich.com).