Testing automation

Today I am experimenting with automating post generation. Firstly, there is the structure of the post Markdown document, which really boils down to the file name and the header. I have set up a macro in Typinator so that I just type the title of the post in a text document. I copy that title to the clipboard and type the shortcut. The header is then created with the title and the formatted permalink.
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Workflow for writing a post

So here is where I need to get used to Jekyll and how things are done. I will end up automating this when I am sure of the process, but for now, I am just going to work my way through it. Start up the local Jekyll server: I opened Terminal and used cd to get to the folder containing my site. Next I started the Jekyll server locally using jekyll serve.
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New Site for TrozWare

Welcome to TrozWare’s new site. # It appears that I am not alone in deciding to move away from WordPress. WordPress is great - easy to set up and with lots of cool themes to allow customisation of your site. But it is slow, especially if (like me) you are running on a low-cost shared server. I had been reading about Jekyll , so I decide to give it a go and also host my site on GitHub , taking advantage of their faster servers.
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Man Reader 1.4 Now Available

Man Reader 1.4 is now available through the Mac App Store . The new features and fixes are: # Fix for plain text view not wrapping correctly for odd-sized fonts. Fix for HTML text view over-riding font colors that may be invisible. Search for missing entry (e.g. g++) no longer requires Enter or Return. Better automatic selection of matching entries while searching. Fix for animation warning message appearing in Console.
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Email clients for Mac and iOS

Some people are moving away from email, but for me, it remains the best way to communicate online. I get to keep a record of conversations and the attached files are with the text so I can always see the context. But I think everyone would agree that Apple have dropped the ball with Mail in OS X Mavericks, and to a lesser extent, in iOS 7. So I have been on a campaign lately to find an email client that suits my needs.
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Berio Sequenza VII

So my latest app is way outside my usual sphere but that’s what happens when family decide that what you do might actually be useful! My son is an oboist and he is currently learning Berio’s Sequenza VII for Oboe. This is a weird piece without a standard time signature. Instead each line has 13 bars with each bar being allocated a certain time span in actual seconds. As can easily be imagined, this makes learning and practicing this piece more of a mathematical exercise than a musical one.
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Icon Builder & iOS 7

Icon Builder 1.2 was released on 18 September 2013. It was an update with 2 new functions: The ability to create images to suit an Xcode 5 assets library The ability to create icons with the required sizes for IOS 7 apps. Knowing that iOS 7 apps can only be built using Xcode 5, I linked the switch for these 2 abilities in a single check box. The problem was not really that they were in a single checkbox but that I had labelled it badly, so it was not obvious that this was what needed to be checked to create iOS 7 sized icon files.
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Icon apps updated

Icns Makerand Icon Builderhave both just been updated to support Xcode 5. Icon Builder is a Mac app that takes your images and creates all the required icon files for use in your iOS apps. It now supports Xcode 5’s image assets folders and if you are using Xcode 5, it will create the icon sizes required for iOS 7 app. Icns Maker is a Mac app that takes your images and creates icons for use in your Mac apps.
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For some time now, I have been aware of the increasing trend towards using Markdown for text editing and for creating HTML. Markdown has been on my list of “things I should learn some day” so I was interested last week to read about a new iBooks book called The MacSparky Markdown Field Guide . This was sufficient inspiration so I got the book and read through it this weekend.
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A Knight’s Move 1.3

UPDATE: September 2016 - A Knight’s Move for iOS is no longer available.A Knight’s Move for Mac is still supported. A Knight’s Move has been updated to version 1.3. The Mac version is available through the Mac App Store. Three new level packs: # Eight by Eight Bishops Rule Castles Eight by Eight has every puzzle set in a chessboard sized grid with more conventional placing of pieces.
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