Icon Builder 5
Icon Builder 5.0 is now available from the Mac App Store. This is a complete re-write for better compatibility with Apple's latest icon requirements. Read on to see what I have fixed and how...
NCSS 2018
I gave a Masterclass on Swift at the NCSS Summer School 2018 in the University of Sydney on 9th January 2018. This post contains useful links for use in relation to the material covered during my class.
Mark Time
Mark Time is an application for Celestial Navigation that solves the problem of how to take an accurate time reading to go with each sextant sighting. Here is how it was developed...
Moving to Hugo
Yesterday, I came to update my blog: I had a new post in draft form and I wanted to update the Swift code to version 4. However installing High Sierra had removed Jekyll which is the site generator that I had been using. I re-installed Jekyll but found that it had been updated from version 2 to version 3.
JSON Parsing in Swift 4
Updated: 3rd September 2017.
- Checked syntax using Xcode 9.0 beta 6.
- Added section on allowing for nulls.
Since JSON has become the de facto standard for data transfers around the internet, there has always been a lot of interest in Swift libraries to parse JSON into Swift classes or structs. Searching for "swift json library" on GitHub discovers
7786 repositories. So why are there so many? And what has Swift 4 done to sherlock them all?