Learning Swift - For-Loops
12th March 2016 • 567 words • 4 minutes reading time.
Loops are a fundamental building block of any program. Doing repetitive tasks fast and accurately is what computers are really good at and what we humans get very bored doing. Swift offers several different ways to perform loops, but today we are going to concentrate on for-loops.
The most basic form of loop is the for-in
loop. There are two ways this can be
used: looping over the numbers in a range or looping over the elements in an
array or dictionary.
Firstly, the range:
for x in 0 ..< 5 { printWithSpace(x) }
// prints: 0 1 2 3 4
I am using a custom print function that allows me to print the results on a single line for convenience.
This for-in
loop uses a half-open range and it is effectively saying:
start with x at 0 print x with a space add 1 to x is x still less than 5? yes - go back to the print stage no - stop
If we wanted to go all the way to 5 instead of stopping before 5, we would use a
closed range by replacing ..<
with ...
for x in 0 ... 5 { printWithSpace(x) }
// prints: 0 1 2 3 4 5
These methods work fine if we want to loop through a range of numbers one at a time but what if we want a different increment? There are several ways to vary the step.
for x in stride(from: 0, to: 10, by: 2) {
// prints: 0 2 4 6 8
for x in stride(from: 0, through: 10, by: 2) {
// prints: 0 2 4 6 8 10
The 2 variations of stride
are analogous to the 2 ways of expressing the range
in the the for-in
starts with the number in the from
parameter and each
time through the loop, increments that number by the amount of the by
parameter. If the incremented number is less than the to
parameter, the loop
works the same way but continues until the
incremented number is greater than or equal to the through
Using a negative value for by
allows counting backwards:
for x in stride(from: 10, through: 0, by: -2) {
// prints: 10 8 6 4 2 0
Stride can also be used for floating point loops although the result may contain some unexpected changes in precision e.g 0.7000000000000001 instead of the expected 0.7
let startingNumber = 0.1
for x in stride(from: startingNumber, through: 1.0, by: 0.2) {
// prints: 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7000000000000001 0.9
Note that the result does not contain the through
parameter as the next
iteration would have produced 1.1 which is greater than it. And also
did not have to be a variable as it is never actually changed.
Using where
makes it possible to step through a loop while conforming to some
for x in 0 ... 10 where x % 3 == 0 {
// prints: 0 3 6 9
The other main use for for-in
loops is for iterating through the elements of
an array or dictionary:
let arrayOfInts = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]
for x in arrayOfInts {
printWithSpace(x * 2)
// prints: 2 4 6 8 10 12
let myDict = [ 1: "one", 2: "two", 3: "three" ]
for (key, value) in myDict {
print("\(key) = \(value)")
// prints:
// 2 = two
// 3 = three
// 1 = one
As a dictionary is un-sorted, the order of the items may vary.
If you want to loop through an array while also monitoring the index of each
element, you can use enumerated()
let arrayOfNames = [ "Andy", "Buzz", "Woody" ]
for (index, element) in arrayOfNames.enumerated() {
print("The name at index \(index) is \(element)")
// prints:
// The name at index 0 is Andy
// The name at index 1 is Buzz
// The name at index 2 is Woody
If your array contains optionals, you can use for case let
to test each value:
let arrayWithOptionals: [String?] = [ "Woody", nil, "Buzz", nil, "Rex" ]
for case let name? in arrayWithOptionals {
// prints: Woody Buzz Rex
The name
variable is un-wrapped each time through the loop so can be used
Any of these loop styles can be combined with where
to perform checks on each
let arrayWithOptionals: [String?] = [ "Woody", nil, "Buzz", nil, "Rex" ]
for case let name? in arrayWithOptionals where name.count < 5 {
// prints: Buzz Rex
Some of you may be wondering what happened to the old C-style loops like this:
for var x = 0; x < 5; x++ { print(x, terminator: " ") }
This does not work in Swift 3+: the ++
and --
operators and this style of
loop declaration have been removed from the language. For further details, check
out the relevant proposals at Swift Evolution:
All the examples in this article are available in a Swift playground now updated to Swift 4 syntax.