LiveCode stacks

18th March 2015 • 184 words • 1 minute reading time.

When I converted my site to Jekyll & GitHub, one of the things I left behind was a collection of LiveCode (Revolution) stacks. For many years I was active in the Revolution community before going in other directions and over that time, I built up a small library of stacks that I released into the public domain.

LiveCode is a cross-platform rapid development environment. There is an open source community edition available for anyone wishing to get started.

I had assumed that since I had not been an active LiveCode user for many years, these stacks would have become worthless. But in the last couple of days, I have received a couple of queries from people looking for them.

So I created a new GitHub repository and uploaded them all to here:
LiveCode stacks

None of these stacks have been updated recently, but feel free to use or adapt as you see fit. They have not been tested using recent versions of LiveCode, so may not work as expected. As stacks are provided as is. Use at your own risk.